Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Having trouble with content for Dance Wear site

So I finally get the Dancewear site going, but it's carp. There's nothing interesting on it at all, and as a dance teacher I'd be disappointed if I landed there from and didn't find the much promised information!

I'm working on it, spent the whole day writing instructions on how to make a simple tutu, and then realised I don't have the pics or diagrams to go with it. I was rudely interrupted by my son, in from football, filthy and hungry... and he wanted his dinner. I mean, doesn't he realise I'm trying to build an empire here! (Well, ok just tutu instructions but its not the point).

Having lost the momentum to go and find the camera, charge the batteries and take the highly artistic photos of my creation I got a bit distracted by other things. New Tricks was on TV and I missed it last week, and reckoned I could afford an hour off to cook, eat and catch up on a bit of telly.

Getting back into the swing of things around 11pm takes a bit of self discipline though. And of course I had to check my emails, web stats, adsense account, paypal account (in the vague hope that I've actually made any money today), and so it goes on. By the time I've done all that I'm exhausted!

Since I promised to share my tales of good fortune, here's the latest:

Website page rank - 0 (Yes, as in zero)
Alexa ranking - Unranked
Traffic yesterday - 21 hits
Earnings to date - $2.96/£1.49

Doing well? Maybe I shouldn't give up the day job just yet!

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